What is an act of kindness?
An act of kindness is a spontaneous gesture of goodwill towards someone or something - our fellow humans, the animal kingdom, or the kingdom of nature. Kind words and deeds come from a state of benevolence, generated by a core response deep within all of us. When we carry out an act of kindness it is a message from one heart to another, an act of love, an unspoken "I care" statement.
While you may not realize it, you are performing many acts of kindness each day. Such things as smiling and greeting people in a friendly manner, whether they be friends, associates or total strangers. A kind act can be sincerely complimenting someone about their hair, eyes, smile, laugh, an item of clothing or jewelery, their positive outlook, their caring attitude, or something they do or have done well. It can be helping someone on or off with their coat, opening a door, saying please, thank you, excuse me, and other common courtesies that unfortunately are not very common these days. It can be giving your total attention to people when they are talking, it can be offering support to someone who has a problem, it can be helping to heal a rift, or it can be not doing something. For example, refraining from such things as gossiping, finding fault, or making negative judgements.
A kindness can be acting out all of those lovely, 'soft' words that are in our vocabulary, words such as caring, thoughtful, loving, sympathetic, gentle, considerate, warm, compassionate, understanding, forgiving, friendly, tender, amiable, genial, unselfish, generous, helpful, supporting, or nurturing. These are words that acknowledge, respect, join, unite, words that build bridges between us. And oh, how the world needs such words! Wouldn't it be wonderful to sprinkle more of these words and actions in our home, our work, our community? Humankind is capable of such beautiful things, and how sad it is that we lose sight of this all too easily. Will you help to warm your home, your work, your community, by using a greater number of such soft words and actions?
As more and more people join the #LLDAOK (LIVE.LOVE.DANCE. ACT OF KINDNESS), the downward spiral of society fuelled by selfishness, materialism and greed will be slowed, and even reversed. As this happens it will promote an enhanced feeling of 'belonging' in the community, and give a greater sense of meaning and purpose to all of our lives.
When carrying out acts of kindness, care should be taken not to intrude or embarrass - 'discretion' is the operative word. Give you a smile or whatever, and then move on, unless the receiver gives out signals that they would like to talk. If you linger, the receiver could feel an obligation to reciprocate, or perhaps become embarrassed and resent the kind act. Some kind acts may be able to be carried out anonymously. It absolves the receiver of any sense of awkwardness or indebtedness, and for the giver, it becomes an enjoyable game. Also, anonymous kindness bypasses our ego's demand for attention, and is the highest form of kindness.
1. Welcome a friend home with groceries
2. Gift your favorite book
3. Leave a love note for your partner
4. Share an inspiring news story
5. Give a surprise gift
6. Help with a chore unexpectedly
7. Make someone a home cooked meal
8. Send a postcard to a distant family
9. Call mom or dad just to say HI
10. Post inspiring quotes in your home
1. Visit an elderly neighbor
2. Visit a nursing home
3. Give your subway seat to an elder
4. Assist and elder at the store
5. Prepare a special meal or dessert
6. Send an inspiring card
7. Bring them flowers
8. Offer to drive them
9. Roll their bins out on trash day
10. Carry their groceries
1. Keep a gratitude journal
2. Read something inspirational
3. Cook a nutritious meal for yourself
4. Refrain from complaining for a week
5. Forgive someone who has hurt you
6. Spend some time in silence
7. Write a letter to yourself
8. Fast for a day to feed someone
9. Do a random act of kindness for someone
10. Donate and make a difference
1. Write your boss a thank you
2. Leave a surprise treats for colleagues
3. Say thank you to a janitor
4. Send flowers to receptionist
5. Take flowers to work
6. Express gratitude for a co-worker
7. Support a good cause
8. Bring breakfast for colleagues
9. Dedicate a donation to a co-worker
10. Buy coffee or a treat for a co-worker
1. Order someone dessert
2. Pay for someone else at a drive-thru
3. Pay for someone else's table
4. Write a thank you note for a server
5. Leave a large tip for your server
6. Gift a meal to a homeless
7. Leave a note for the next guest
8. Compliment and cheer up a server
9. Share your table with someone
10. Give a stranger a flower
1. Knit a hat for a homeless person
2. Teach children about scrapping
3. Create a positive news album
4. Knit baby hats for a nursery
5. Create beauty and give it away
6. Collect wisdom for a new couple
7. Create a collage
8. Record wisdom for a new mother
9. Create a CD of inspiring quotes
10. Paint with a child
1. Teach a child about giving
2. Leave surprise notes for family
3. Run or walk for a cause
4. Volunteer at a local non-profit
5. Give your full presence
6. Invite someone to share holidays
7. Bake in celebration of someone else
8. Bake for local firemen
9. Share your umbrella
10. Hold the elevator door
1. Clean up litter on your street
2. Clean a park as much as you can
3. Plant a tree where it will thrive
4. Hug a tree
5. Ride a bike
6. Turn off unused lights
7. Support local markets and farmers
8. Remove debris from a road or path
9. Thank an eco-friendly business
10. Unplug unused appliances
1. Pay forward a vending machine snack
2. Pay toll for the car behind you
3. Pay for someone in line behind you
4. Help someone in financial need
5. Put coins in expiring parking meters
6. Give out water on a hot day
7. Put inspiring notes in public places
8. Make someone around you smile
9. Hide money for a stranger to find
10. Give a gift for no reason
1. Donate extra clothes
2. Share your flowers
3. Give your sibling a surprise gift
4. Donate blankets in winter
5. Bake cookies and share
6. Help a neighbor in need
7. Pick up trash
8. Make breakfast for your partner
9. Say 'I Love You' to your parents
10. Do someone else's chores
1. Lend an ear to a friend
2. Say thank you to a favorite teacher
3. Befriend someone struggling
4. Befriend someone new
5. Greet people at campus
6. Leave change in vending machine
7. Volunteer for a charity
8. Help someone with their homework
9. Donate a book to a student
10. Create inspiring bookmarks
1. Send someone an e-card
2. Donate online to a cause
3. Use social media to spread good news
4. Volunteer for a charity
5. Email a thank you to a non-profit
6. Start the day with inspiration news
7. Reconnect online with a friend
8. Send anonymous cheer up email
9. Share an inspiring story
10. Compliment someone online
1. Send dessert to another table
2. Leave a dollar on vending machine
3. Pay toll for person behind you
4. Give a gift card for a favorite cafe
5. Give a cupcake for someone's birthday
6. Send a nice thank you card
7. Treat a homesless person to coffee
8. Leave a note on someones car
9. Carry extra snacks for someone
10. On a hot day buy someone a drink
1. Lend an ear
2. Leave a nice note on a random locker
3.Anonymously give a gift to sibling
4. Serve a meal at a soup kitchen
5. Bake cookies and share them
6. Send a letter to a former teacher
7. Slip a nice note in a friend's bag
8. Read a book to a child
9. Hold the door open for your class
10. Learn to say hello in a new language
1. Make a donation
2. Do a kind act inspired by a friend
3. Give a pay it forward wedding gift
4. Gift flower seeds as a party favor
5. Teach a child about generosity
6. Deliver holiday cookies to a shelter
7. Instead of gifts raise money for charity
8. Make Valentines a Generosity Day
9. Make giving a New Year's resolution
10. Gift a framed inspirational quote